Erg of Bilma

The Great Sandy Desert of Bilma, French: Grand Erg de Bilma, extending in a north-south direction over almost 150 kilometers from Bilma to Agadem (Niger ).

In the east it extends to the border with Chad, in the west it is about halfway toward Fachi in the Ténéré desert sand over. From Bilma to Agadem about 80 partially very high main dune trains are overcome with over 300 smaller chains of dunes. The journey towards N'Guigmi Lake Chad about this almost piste loose sand dunes is one of the most difficult stretches of the entire Sahara. 50 km south of Bilma one arrives at the small oasis Zoo Baba. Here are some Tubu nomads families, a few date palms and a fountain with potable water.
