Esselte Leitz GmbH & Co KG

48.8116059.173733Koordinaten: 48 ° 48 '42 " N, 9 ° 10' 25" E


  • Jim McIlroy

The Company Esselte Leitz GmbH & Co KG, headquartered in Stuttgart since 1998 belongs to the Esselte Group. The Leitz folder was generally known as a synonym for file folders.


The company was founded by the mechanic and invoice books Louis Leitz factory under the name of workshop for the production of metal parts for regulatory instruments in 1871. The Leitz folder was initially a relatively primitive device for impaling of paper between file folders. 1893 already came with the mechanics Umlegehebel and strap on the market, similar to today's mechanics. 1911 then the handle hole was introduced in the folder back.

The tradition-rich company building with a symbiosis of old industrial architecture and a modern administrative buildings are located even today in Stuttgart's Feuerbach. Also in Feuerbach is the Louis Leitz - school, which is named after the company's founder.

Since 1998, the company Esselte Group is one. At the time of the sale, the company had 2,500 employees and achieved a turnover of 280 million euros. A lot of the employees was then dismissed.

Since April 2011 Leitz is with a direct distribution channel in Mass Customization active. So that the customer has the possibility to make folders in the custom design and order.
