
59.4326.370556Koordinaten: 59 ° 26 ' N, 26 ° 22' O

Essu ( German Jeß ) is a village (Estonian küla ) in the rural community Haljala ( Haljala vald ) in the Estonian Lääne -Virumaa.

Location and description

Essu located eight kilometers north of Rakvere. The village has 332 inhabitants (as of 2006). It is documented since 1241 under the name Gesse.

The settlement is much older. Archaeologists have demonstrated in excavations 1903/1905 in Essu finds the Mesolithic Kunda culture. Among finds of the 19th century include dirham coins of Abbasid dynasty in the 9th century.

Good Essu

The manor Essu was first mentioned in documents in 1496. It was three and a half centuries later than 1402 for the property of the noble family of Baltic German Wrangel (also Wrangell ).

In the middle of the 18th century came Essu in the possession of the Krusenstern family. In the 19th century it belonged to the Dellingshausen and then Ungern- Sternberg. Last owner was Julie Baroness Ungern- Sternberg from confiscation in the course of the Estonian land reform of 1919.

In the 1820s and 1830s, the single-storey mansion was built in the classical style. 1894, designed by the architect Friedrich modes in the style of historicism. On the mansion leads a four hundred meter long avenue.

Most of the side buildings date from the 19th century. These include the caretaker's house, a distillery and several warehouses. The estate also includes an eight -acre park.

1974 Essu been transformed into a collective farm center with leisure club and canteen. In 1978 the mansion was extended by an extension.

Since 1995, the mansion stands as guests and conference center is privately owned.
