Etiquette and Ceremonial

The Confucian classics etiquette and rites, Chinese Yili (Chinese仪礼/仪礼, ceremonies and rituals ') is one of the Thirteen Classics of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty ( strictly speaking, the Spring and Autumn period and the time of the Warring States ) in China.

It contains a lot of information about the Confucian rites and is therefore an important source for the history of Chinese culture. An important issue is the book entitled Yili Zhushu (仪礼 注疏, comment and Subkommentar to Yili ') is where the comment by Zheng Xuan (郑玄/郑玄; 127-200 ) from the Late Han period and the Subkommentar to Jia Gongyan (贾公彦/贾公彦) are included from the Tang period.

The work was translated into English by Séraphin Couvreur (1835-1919) into French and Steele. A photographic reproduction of an mingzeitlichen transfer a song out is included in the major Chinese book series called Sibu congkan.
