European Association for Psychotherapy

The European Association for Psychotherapy (German: European Psychotherapy Association) has its headquarters in Vienna. President is Eugenijus Laurinaitis (Lithuania ), acting as vice-president Adrian Rhodes ( UK) and Celia Scanlan ( Great Britain). Secretary General of the EAP is the Austrian Alfred Pritz, the founding rector of Sigmund Freud University Vienna. In the premises of the University is also the EAP office.

The EAP represents 128 organizations ( including 28 national umbrella associations and 17 European associations ) from 41 countries with more than 120,000 psychotherapists. Individual members can also join. Based on the Strasbourg Declaration on Psychotherapy of 1990 ( German: Strasbourg Declaration on Psychotherapy 1990) represents the EAP the need for high standards of training on a scientific basis and is fighting for a free and independent exercise of psychotherapy in Europe. Key activities are:

  • EAP Ethical Guidelines: The EAP has developed ethical guidelines for the protection of patients and has been trying to enforce Europe
  • European Certificate of Psychotherapy (ECP ): The aim of this European Psychotherapy certificate is comparable training standards and mutual recognition of training across Europe
  • Founding member of the World Council for Psychotherapy ( WCP ): Active participation in the WCP as a founding member
  • Publication of the International Journal of Psychotherapy ISSN 1356-9082
  • Register for ECP - Psychotherapists: building a database with the accessibility of psychotherapists in Europe