European Centre of Enterprises with Public Participation and of Enterprises of General Economic Interest

The European Centre of Enterprises with Public Participation and of Enterprises of General Economic Interest ( CEEP, the European association of public sector employers and businesses; Centre européen des entreprises à participation publique et des entreprises d' interet économique général) is a European association representing the interests of companies provide with Public Participation and of companies providing services of general economic interest, regardless of their ownership or their position.

The CEEP is one of the three social partners ( Business Europe, CEEP and employer representatives, and the EGB as Arbeitnehmerverter ) at European level which are recognized by the European Commission and represents as such public employer within the European social dialogue.

Based in Brussels, the CEEP represents the interests of its members with respect to institutions of the European Union and has contacts with departments of the European Commission and other European institutions such as the European Parliament and the European Economic and Social Committee. The CEEP advises the general direct ionenes the European Commission in the preparation of draft regulations, directives and other acts which are of importance for its members. These representatives and observers are delegated to committees and advisory bodies of the European institutions by the CEEP.

Events of CEEP such as congresses, conferences and seminars on relevant Themenen enable members to learn about the latest developments at the European level. Many of the events will be held in cooperation with the European Commission, and the other social partners.

President of the CEEP is since 12 December 2011, the simultaneous VKU Chief Executive and President of the CEEP Hans- Joachim Reck of the German section, the former mayor Carl Stockholm Cederschiöld succeeded in this function.
