European Civil Rights Prize of the Sinti and Roma

The European Civil Rights Prize of the Sinti and Roma was established on 7 November 2007 in Heidelberg by the Central Council of German Sinti and Roma, the Documentation and Cultural Centre of German Sinti and Roma and Manfred Lautenschläger Foundation. The 15,000 euro doped international prize is donated by Manfred Lautenschläger Foundation. The ceremony will take place every two years, the initial contract was awarded in December 2008.

Intention of the price

Given the extremely worrying human rights situation of Sinti and Roma in many European countries to the European Civil Rights Prize of the Sinti and Roma contribute to the preservation and enforcement of civil rights and equal opportunities for members of the minority in their European homelands. The price is also a signal to politically responsible institutions, media and social groups to tackle deep-rooted stereotypes and prejudice structures to overcome the day exclusion of the minority.

Award criteria

The award recognizes individuals, groups or institutions that have been used in an exemplary manner for the improvement of the human rights situation of Roma and Sinti. These include public, political and media commitment to equal rights and opportunities of the minority as well as active opposition to discriminatory practices and against all forms of exclusion, discrimination and stigmatization of the minority within the European Community.

Procurement procedures

The decision on the winners meet an international, consisting of eight members of the jury. Permanent members of the " jury for the award of the European Civil Rights Prize of the Sinti and Roma, " the chairman of the Central Council of German Sinti and Roma and the chairman of Manfred Lautenschläger Foundation, they also decide on the composition of the appointed committee for four years. Each member of the jury can nominate award winners, the selection shall be by majority decision. Repeated presentation of the European Civil Rights Prize of the Sinti and Roma to the same individual, group or institution is excluded.

The members of the jury for the award of the European Civil Rights Prize of the Sinti and Roma

(2010 )

Jury Chair

  • Romani Rose (Chairman of the Central Council and the Documentation and Cultural Centre of German Sinti and Roma, Heidelberg)
  • Manfred Lautenschlager (Chairman of Manfred Lautenschläger Foundation, founder of the MLP.AG )

Jury members

  • Anastasia Crickley ( UN Committee Against Racial Discrimination)
  • Maud de Boer- Buquicchio ( Deputy Secretary General of the Council of Europe )
  • Roman Kwiatkowski ( Executive Chairman of the Roma Association, Poland)
  • László Teleki (Chairman of the Interministriellen Committee for Roma Affairs, Hungary)
  • Erwin Teufel (former Minister President of Baden -Württemberg)
  • Johan Weisz ( Dutch entrepreneurs)

Award winners

