European Commissioner for Financial Programming and the Budget

The Commissioner for Financial Programming and Budget is a member of the European Commission. He created the design for the annual budget of the European Union and is responsible for implementing the budget. The resort has existed since the founding of the European Economic Community in 1958. Partly it was, however, in two departments ( Finance and Budget ) divided.

Current incumbent is Janusz Lewandowski.

Office bearer

Commission | Foreign and Security Policy | Institutional Relations and Administration | Enterprise and Industry | Justice, Fundamental Rights and Citizenship | Interior | Traffic | Economic and Monetary Affairs | Internal Market and Services | Agriculture and Rural Development | Competition | Commercial | Fisheries and Maritime | Environment | Climate Change | Health | consumer Protection | Development | Humanitarian aid and Civil Protection | enlargement and Neighbourhood Policy | employment, Social Affairs, Equal Opportunities | taxation and Customs Union | financial Programming and Budget | Education, Culture, Youth and Multilingualism | Regional Policy | Energy | Research and innovation | Digital Agenda

  • European Commission
  • Budgetary policy of the European Union