European Food Information Resource Network

Paul Finglas (President) Heikki Pakkala ( Vice President ) Prof. Maria Glibetic, Prof. Barbara Koroušic Seljak, Dr. Anna Karin Lindroos, Heikki Pakkala, Dr. Aida Turrini ( Executive Board)

EuroFIR (European Food Information Resource ) is a nonprofit, international organization that the use of existing food information ( information on energy and nutrient content, and content of secondary plant substances) and future newly developed resources through collaboration and harmonization of information quality, functionality and global standards supported.

As a mission EuroFIR understands the development, management, publishing and exploitation of food information, and the promotion of international cooperation and harmonization through improved data quality, database searchability and standards.


The European Network of Excellence EuroFIR ( 2005-10; . EuroFIR ) was a Network of Excellence ( NoE) consisting of 48 partners from academia, research institutions and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs ) in 27 countries. The Network of Excellence has been under the EU 's Sixth Framework Programme (Priority 5: Food Quality and Safety, Contract No. FP6- 513 944 ) funded.

One of its main objectives was the initial development of a single online platform with current information on the composition of foods throughout Europe. Another important result of EuroFIR was the establishment of a long-term sustainable platform to continue critical activities of the project, and this was achieved through the establishment of the nonprofit organization EuroFIR AISBL. The organization is today with 42 of the original 48 EuroFIR partners as members. The main objective of EuroFIR AISBL is to support and promote the development, management, publishing and application of food information, through international cooperation and harmonization.


Full members ( partners )

(*) Affiliates, the national food composition database compilers are also.

Associate members ( partners )

(*) Affiliates, the national food composition database compilers are also.

Ordinary members ( full members )

Honorary Members

The list of EuroFIR AISBL key persons, members and partners can be found on the website EuroFIR.

Participation in research projects

EuroFIR is a partner in several research projects funded by the European Commission, which have begun between 2010 and 2012. These projects cover research areas such as risk -benefit analysis of dietary supplements that contain phytochemicals, traceability of food information using RFID technology, which might improve the nutritional status through evidence-based practice of dietetics and reformulation of food to reduce some nutrient groups exposure and Total Diet studies.
