
Eutharic (Latin Flavius ​​Eutharicus; † about 523 ) was a Visigoth and husband of Ostgotenkönigin Amalasuntha.

The Ostrogothic king Theodoric the Great had 515, the connection between his daughter and Amalasuntha Eutharic threaded. Eutharic is of the Gothic historian Jordanes called a distant relative of the Amali ( Jord. Getica, 58, 298 ), who lived in Hispania, but this could also be a deliberate misinformation that was brought by Theodoric in circulation to a dynastic legitimacy to receive. 519 Eutharic held together with the Eastern Roman emperor Justin I. the consulship.

Otherwise, little is known about Eutharic is known. But I think he was an experienced soldier, as a military aptitude ultimately for guiding the exercitus Gothorum, the (East ) Gothic army, was essential. He was regarded as romans friendly, but also as a strictly Arian -minded. Eutharic died before Theodoric († 526) and left behind two children, Athalaric and Matasuentha.
