Eva Mozes Kor

Eva Mozes Kor ( born Eva Mozes, born January 30, 1934 in Portz, today: port, community Marca, county Salaj, Romania) is a survivor of the Holocaust and was abused along with her ​​twin sister Miriam by Josef Mengele for experiments in twin research. They sparked critical responses to other Holocaust survivors when they personally all Nazis forgave their deeds on the 50th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz.

Kor was deported to Auschwitz in 1944 with her family, and received the prisoner number A- 7063rd Her parents and two older sisters died in the gas chambers. She and her twin sister but survived the cruel experiments and returned after the war to Romania. 1950 both moved on to Israel and later joined the Israeli army at. American Michael Kor, also a survivor of the concentration camps, Eva Mozes married in 1960 and moved to Terre Haute in Indiana, where she still lives today.

Kor founded the Children of Auschwitz Nazi Deadly Lab Experiments Survivors 's ( CANDLES ) and has been able to make 122 survivors of the twin experiments identified. She fights until today is to bring the medical consequences and background of the experiments in experience - the only way victims can be adequately treated.

The filmmakers Bob Hercules and Cheri Pugh accompanied Cor over the years with the camera, from which the film Forgiving Dr. Mengele was born.
