Evangelical Church Conference

The German Evangelical Church was established in response to the revolution of 1848.

For the first time took place from 21 to 23 September 1848 in the Castle Church in Wittenberg, a " meeting of Protestant men " instead, which was also known as Church. Here, among others, Johann Hinrich Wichern gave his landmark speech to the founding of the " Central Committee for the Inner Mission of the German Protestant Church," from which later the Diaconate should arise.

By the year 1872, 15 more days of such church took place, subjects were essentially the Inner Mission and social problems. Played a leading role alongside Wichern Friedrich Wilhelm Krummenacher and others. The Church has tended over time to monarchism. The end of the year 1872 was determined primarily by the then incompatibility between Lutheranism and Prussian Union.
