Evening Standard British Film Awards

The Evening Standard British Film Award is a British film award, which was first awarded in 1974 by the London Evening News for outstanding achievement in British film. Since 1980, the award from the Evening Standard is awarded, which merged in 1980 with the Evening News. The annual ceremony takes place as the Savoy hotel or the restaurant The Ivy in London in various locations.

Together with the British Academy Film Awards and British Independent Film Awards, he is one of the most important film awards in the UK.

Award criteria

The Evening Standard British Film Award was formerly known as Evening News British Film Award known. He is a silver statuette of Eros. The winners are chosen by a jury of five film critics from a list of films produced by the United Kingdom from the previous calendar year.


Irregularly contracted prices

  • 2012: Senna Best Documentary
  • 2011: A Day in the Life: Four Portraits of Post-War Britain for Best Documentary
  • 2010: Anvil! The story of a friendship for Best Documentary
  • 2009: Stephen Daldry for The Reader Director
  • 2008: Jonny Greenwood for the film score for There Will Be Blood
  • 2001: Kindertransport - In a strange world for Best Documentary

Formerly assigned prices
