Every Child (film)

  • Bernard Carez: Man
  • Raymond Pollender: Man
  • Sophie Cowling: Baby

Every Child is a Canadian animated short film by Eugene Fedorenko from the year 1979.


A real recording studio with two men and a baby: A man imitates a bird and his flight noise; then appears on the scene in an animation. A bird flies into a house. In the house a man is busy with files and phone calls. Suddenly the doorbell rings, sitting outside a baby. The man takes it to himself, but when the baby his files messes up, he puts it out in front of the door of the house next door. That is inhabited by two pensioners who take the baby to himself, thereby increasing their dog feels neglected and now sets himself to the door and rings the bell. As before, the child takes the couple now on the dog. The baby is taken in front of the next door and the woman there would keep it happy, but can not prevail against her melodramatic boyfriend.

In rapid succession, the baby is now passed from door to door until it finally ends up in a stroller, which rolled into a garbage dump. Here are two tramps the baby and treat it for the first time well: One is blowing up a balloon, another begins to play on a violin. The scene fades into the real recording studio, where one of the men playing on a violin.


The film begins and ends with real scenes, while the main part is animated. The sounds in the film are created exclusively by members of the group Les Mimes Élecriques. Real dialogs do not exist, but a fantasy language will be used.

Every Child was the occasion of the International Year of the Child in collaboration with UNICEF the NFC. He shows, in animated form, a requirement of the Declaration of Children's Rights, according to which every child has the right to a name and nationality.


Every Child won the 1980 Oscar in the category " Best Animated Short Film ". He also received a 1980 Genie Award for Outstanding animation.

Pictures of Every Child (film)
