Exit, Voice, and Loyalty

Exit, Voice, and Loyalty (English for something like: emigration, opposition and loyalty ) is the title of both economically and sociologically argumentative book by Albert O. Hirschman.

In the center are three basic response options to Decline of organizations. Thus, they can

  • The relationship with the organization dissolve ( Exit)
  • Try the relationship by complaint, change requests, etc. again to consolidate ( voice ), or
  • Support the organization nevertheless ( Loyalty ).

Mixed forms occur, often characterized by reaction delay.

In research, economic, social and political science, the concept was very well received.

Exit and Voice in the organization sociologist

Members from corporations, unions, etc., can leave the organization in dissatisfaction or terminate the membership (Exit) or they try to change by appeal, deselecting officials etc. (Voice ).

Exit and voice at the political level

Members of a nation can on an increasingly repressive political system with emigration ( exit) or protest ( voice ) react. So responded example, the citizens of the GDR with emigration to the West, because they considered the option of communication with the political system to improve their situation as not effective. It was not until the turn of 1989 attacked the citizens back to the voice option, by gathering in mass protests. The factor Voice - the Monday demonstrations - 1989 was a major factor in determining the disintegration that led to the fall of the Berlin Wall. Interesting in this context is that, according to the classical principle of the Exit -Voice Theory of protest (Voice ) by a mass exit is weakened. In connection with the GDR so emigration was either not so pronounced that the protest could be weakened, or the protest has been awarded by the pronounced migration of citizens emphasis.
