Exotic Shorthair

The Exotic Shorthair is a breed of domestic cat which was first bred by U.S. cat lovers.

The race is based on the intersection of Persian cats and the American Shorthair breed. The cross with Burmese breeders who breed developed further. The result was a cat guy who has the child's appearance, physique and calm nature of the Persian cat and the lower-maintenance coat of the American Shorthair.

In the U.S., the breed standard has been recognized since 1966. In the reorganization of the FIFe standards 1986 Persian and Exotic Shorthair were merged in a class whose varieties are broken down in coat length, coat texture and color. After initial crossbreeding with other breeds is now crossed only with varieties of Persian cats.

Despite the name as a short- haired cat 's coat should be long and rather half plushy and not snug against the body. The colors are very diverse as the Persians and also be supplemented continuously.

The best known representative of this breed is the comic cat Garfield in the color red tabby (red tabby ).
