Experimental literature

Experimental literature means on the one hand a break with traditional forms, on the other hand, a higher weighting of the form that is understood as a defining element. Not the content is the parent of the form, but these two categories are considered as equal and necessary entwined.

As an early classic of experimental literature applies the novel The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman by Laurence Sterne.

More representative of the experimental literature, James Joyce, Arno Schmidt, Gertrude Stein, Mayröcker. Even among the younger contemporary authors, there are numerous representatives of the experimental literature such as Brigitta Falkner, Hansjörg Zauner, Klaus Ferentschik, Ilse Kilic, Fritz Widhalm, Lisa gap, Margret Kreidl, Marietta Böning. Some of them are also close to the group Oulipo, who understands the construction of formal rules as an essential element of the text work.

The Vienna group is to be settled on in this business. Exponent as Friedrich Achleitner and Gerhard Ruhm are also still writing and appearing active.
