Exponential backoff

The Binary Exponential Backoff is a jam resolution mechanism in the Ethernet IEEE 802.3. If a collision is detected on the Ethernet stations, these stations finish their mission and try immediately or after a slot time of 51.2 microseconds (equivalent to 512 bits, applies only to 10/100 Mbit / s Ethernet, 4.096 microseconds and 4096 bits for 1 Gb / s) to retransmit their broadcast over the Ethernet. This may again be a collision if both stations randomly make the same choice. In the next experiment, each of the two stations is now once again select by random decision a new start date, but this time from four options: 0, 1, 2 or 3 slot - Times, so 22 With a further collision, there are then 23 = 8 possibilities, then 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512 and finally 1024. 1024 (210 ) represents ( truncated ), the maximum limit of the possibilities. After a total of 16 unsuccessful transmission attempts with collision is aborted with an error message of the Ethernet controller.
