External jugular vein

The external jugular vein ( "external jugular vein " ) is a vein in the neck. It runs superficially, brachiocephalic just under the skin, in animals in the so-called choke groove ( sulcus jugularis ) between musculus musculus and sternocephalicus. The jugular vein collects the majority of the blood from the head area. It joins the venous angle with the internal jugular vein and the subclavian vein.

The jugular vein is easily visible under the skin and can easily be dammed with your finger. She runs the people across the sternocleidomastoid muscle ( sternocleidomastoid muscle ) from the top inside obliquely downwards outside. Depending on the body position of the filling state of the vessel is highly variable. Lying down or head-down position, the vessel is well filled. When seated in the vessel is virtually empty. If the vessel is filled even when sitting one speaks of a jugular venous distension. This can be caused ( right heart failure ) by a local outflow obstruction of the vessel, but mostly through a venous impoundment before the right heart.

Using computed tomography ( CT) and magnetic resonance (NMR ), the neck veins may be well represented. In principle, the neck veins can also be represented by means of contrast medium in X-ray. As to that a vessel would have far- dot top and the ultrasound is much easier to perform, the venography of the neck veins is unusual. In late recordings of Carotisangiografie the neck veins come indirectly to display.

The former practice of recording the Jugularvenenpulses is largely obsolete and is today rarely performed. It was used for example for the detection of systolic reflux into the jugular vein in tricuspid regurgitation. This is now much faster and more direct means of echocardiography identified.

The external jugular vein is clearly larger than the internal jugular vein in animals. The jugular vein is used in many species for intravenous injection and blood sampling. Also indwelling catheters are placed in this vein while this internal jugular vein is used when people mostly.

The closure of the external jugular vein by blood clots is called a jugular vein thrombosis.
