Fausto Trávez Trávez

Fausto Gabriel travez travez OFM ( born March 18, 1941 in Toacazo ) is an Ecuadorian priest and Archbishop of Quito.


Fausto Gabriel travez travez joined the Congregation of the Franciscan ( OFM) in, put his solemn profession on 15 October 1965, received on 12 December 1970, the ordination. Pope John Paul II appointed him on 1 February 2003 Vicar Apostolic of Zamora en Ecuador and Titular Bishop of Sullectum.

He received his episcopal consecration of the Apostolic Nuncio in Ecuador, Alain Paul Charles Lebeaupin, on 15 March of the same year; Co-consecrators were Vicente Rodrigo Durán Cisneros, Archbishop of Cuenca, and Serafín Luis Alberto Cartagena Ocaña, OFM, Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Zamora en Ecuador.

On 27 March 2008 he was appointed Bishop of Babahoyo and introduced into the office on 24 May of the same year. On 11 September 2010 he was appointed Archbishop of Quito and introduced into the office on 22 October of the same year. Since the Archdiocese of Quito, Cardinal tradition has, he is regarded as a contender to the cardinalate.
