

The Faxälven (also Faxälv ) is a Swedish river, which flows in a southeasterly direction from Jämtland after Ångermanland, where it flows by about 340 kilometers at Sollefteå in the Ångermanälven.

It flows from the lakes Leipikvattnet and Stora Blåsjön to the Norwegian border through the lake system of Ströms Vattudal into the lake Sporrsjön, where he by a second drain, the river Vängelälven, loses about 18 percent of its water. This Flussbifurkation takes place within the river system of the Ångermanälven because the Vängelälven is a tributary of the Fjällsjöälven, another tributary of the Ångermanälven. The Faxälven drains an area of 22,500 km ² and has an average discharge of 145 m³ / s On Faxälven are the places Strömsund and Ramsele.
