FC Kochin

FC Kochin is a football club based in India. Is native of FC Kochin in Kochi ( Kerala ) and also played a long time in the highest league in Kerala. In the season 2005/2006 FC Kochin reported no team to the championship. For next season, they have announced a new team. With Viva Kerala has been based since 2004, a competing club in the city.

FC Kochin played in the late 1990s and early 2000 as the only keralesischer football club in the National Football League, the highest class.


  • Kerala State League: Champion 1998, 1999
  • Kerala State Championship: 1997
  • Durand Cup: 1997
  • Central Revenue Open 1998
  • Indian Football Association
  • Sport ( Kerala )
  • Kochi