Fédération Syndicale Unitaire

The Fédération Syndicale Unitaire shortly FSU, is the largest French trade union in the education sector and the civil service. It was in 1993 after the split of the previous unit trade union education, the Fédération de l' Education Nationale ( FEN ) and represents the left wing of the former FEN. She was involved in the establishment of the anti-globalization organization Attac in France and plays a leading role in the various social movements in France, particularly in the public sector.

Origins and foundation of the FSU

The Fédération de l' Education Nationale was founded in 1947 when the then rather socialist dominated flow Force ouvrière left the under communist influence in the trade union confederation Confédération Générale du Travail. The CGT trade union education FEN should choose namely in which my covenant they wanted to incorporate. After long debates they chose self-employment and the creation of fractions should comply with the various political currents. The power in the total union and in the sub- organizations was distributed by regular elections within the FEN, so that a coexistence of the wings under the same roof would remain possible. However, both the CGT and the FO founded their own education unions, but fell far short of the FEN.

The FEN was from the beginning of the Socialist Group UID ( Unité Independence and Démocratie ) dominates, but without control of many individual unions. The teachers union and the school teacher union SNES SNESup the Communist- dominated UA ( Unité et Action ) were clearly the front, and the third largest fraction EE ( Ecole Emancipée, often described as the radical left ) also had strongholds.

But in the 80s, there was growing tension between UID and the other groups. The UID close union leadership was planning a merger of the SNES with the predominantly dominated by their primary school teachers' union SNI, and a reform of fraction rules. The conflict escalated, and after the collapse of the Soviet Union and the fall of the Parti Communiste français to UA stylized largely as a selectable alternative to the increasingly authoritarian ruling UID, so that it finally came to the break. 1991 joined UA, EE and other small currents a covenant, in 1992 responded the lead with the exclusion of two UA- dominated part of unions including the SNES, and forced establishing the standard " union of educators " (SE, Syndicat des enseignants, later UNSA -Education ). Then left UA, EE, their allies and the part of them dominated unions and local organizations, the FEN and founded the FSU (Fédération Syndicale Unitaire ).

The following December, the Provisional Rules still under the FSU reached surprisingly in first place in the elections in the teaching profession. She has kept this place until today.


There are in the FSU three organizational levels: the geographic associations ( by department), the part of trade unions and the political or ideological groups, the so-called trends. The distribution of seats in the committees is meant to prevent a tendency to have an absolute majority in any committee. All unions and associations are thus governed by a coalition of UA and EE, sometimes with PRSI. This organization aims to make the concentration of power a tendency as UID in the FEN impossible. A similar system is also used to pluralist regulation of relations between the partial unions. The Board of the union is called Conseil Délibératif Fédéral National ( CFDN ) and includes 162 delegates. Between his sessions he will be represented by a National Bureau Délibératif Fédéral ( bFdn, 54 members). The executive power is left a 13-member secretariat, including 11 delegates of the member unions. The head of the union is the Secretary-General. Between 1993 and 1999 it was Michel Deschamps, from 1999 to 2001 there was a double top, and since 2001 is the SNES trade unionists and UA member Gérard Aschieri General.

Social movements and civil society

FSU is of course deeply involved in the fighting in the education sector, for example against Education Minister Claude Allègre 1999-2000, against the pension reform in the public service in 2003 or against the controversial higher education reforms by Valérie Pécresse from 2007., But the reunification of French unions stands for a pluralistic model officially under their goals, and the FSU is committed to an open view of the trade union action, and civil society towards. They supported, for example, the youth movements against the loosening of job protection for younger workers in 1994 and 2006, and she was involved in the founding of the anti-globalization organization Attac: The SNES, the SNU - Ipp and SNESup representatives in Attacs bodies, and numerous FSU trade unionists are also Attac members. The FSU also has a research center on the history, economy and social affairs.

Part of unions and trends

Part of trade unions

The establishment of trade unions are:

  • Syndicat National des enseignants du Secondaire (SNES ), working at the Collèges and secondary schools.
  • Syndicat National de l'Education Physique ( SNEP ), the SNES counterpart for the gym teacher.
  • Syndicat National de l' Enseignement Supérieur ( SNESup ), faculty and university professors.
  • Syndicat National des Chercheurs Scientifiques ( SNCS ), researchers and scientists.

The other unions of education are:

  • Syndicat National Unitaire of instituteurs, the Professeurs des Ecoles d' Enseignement Général et Professeurs ( SNU - Ipp ): Primary school teacher.
  • Syndicat national de l' enseignement technique agricole public ( SNETAP ): agricultural high schools.
  • Syndicat National de l' Enseignement Professionnel Unitaire ( SNUEP ): vocational schools.
  • Syndicat National Unitaire of personnels de Direction de l' Education Nationale ( SNUPDEN ): schoolmaster.
  • Union Nationale des agents, technique, ouvriers et de services ( UNATOS ): Administrative and service staff.
  • Syndicat National des infirmier (e) s et conseiller (e) s de santé ( SNICS ): Nurse and doctors in the schools.
  • Syndicat National de l' Administration scolaire et universitaire et des bibliothèques ( SNASUB ): library staff.
  • Syndicat National des personnels d' inspection ( de l' Éducation nationale) ( SNPI ): internal inspection service of the Ministry of Education.

There are also other small unions outside the education area. The largest of them is the SNAC ( Syndicat National des Affaires Culturelles ) in the Ministry of Culture.

A founding union that SNETAA ( vocational schools ) has left the FSU in 2001. It was replaced by the SNUEP.


In each case the result of the last Congress (Marseille, 2007) is given with bracket character

  • Unité et Action, which campaigns for an action alliance with the CGT ( 73%)
  • Ecole Emancipée (15.6%)
  • The various small groups, mostly from Ecole Emancipée Emancipation (4.5% ), front Unique ( 2.1%), Pour la Reconquête d'un syndicalisme Indépendant - PRSI ( Trotskyists ) ( 4.5%).


  • Union (France)