Feeling Pulled Apart by Horses / The Hollow Earth

Feeling Pulled Apart by Horses is a song by Radiohead frontman Thom Yorke. The song was (worldwide only 8000 pieces) published on a 12 - inch disc and as a download on 6 October 2009 on 21 September 2009. Thom Yorke is accompanied with his rendition of Feeling Pulled Apart by Horses (duration 6:41 ) by Radiohead's Jonny Greenwood colleagues. The song reached 8 October 2009 number 8 in the Canadian iTunes rock charts.


In Feeling Pulled Apart by Horses is an early version of which appeared in 2007 on the album In Rainbows by Radiohead Reckoner. Originally Feeling Pulled Apart by Horses and Reckoner were designed as a piece of music, where Reckoner should be the coda of the song. Radiohead again rejected the idea, however, and coupled from the coda as an independent song for In Rainbows, while Feeling Pulled Away by Horses was never released by Radiohead.
