Fernando Contreras Castro

Fernando Contreras Castro ( born January 4, 1963 Alajuela Province, Costa Rica ) is a Costa Rican author, literary critic and university professor.


Contreras studied at the Universidad de Costa Rica philology and won there the MA in Spanish literature. The topic of his thesis was El hombre de La Mancha, a revision using the philosophical concept of Nietzsche. He received his doctorate in France.

Contreras first novel Unica mirando al mar of 1993 was introduced in his homeland even as a school reading. A second edition was 2010., His novel Los Peor is the only work that has been laid in German language. It has been awarded with the Costa Rican National Award Aquileo J. Echeverria in the Roman division.

Contreras is considered a representative of the Costa Rican literature of the generation of disappointment. Today he is Professor of Communication and Linguistics at the Faculty of General Studies of the Universidad de Costa Rica.


  • Unica mirando al mar. Novel. ABC Editores, San José, Costa Rica 1993, ISBN 9977-16-007-4.
  • Los Peor. Novel. San José, Costa Rica. In 1995. German: The monk, the child and the city. Translated by Lutz Kliche. Maro Verlag, Augsburg, 2002, ISBN 3-87512-266-6.