Fernando Iório Rodrigues

Fernando Rodrigues Iorio ( born June 23, 1929 in Maceió, Alagoas, Brazil, † March 20, 2010 ibid ) was Roman Catholic bishop in Palmeira dos Índios.


Fernando Rodrigues Iorio entered the seminary Nossa Senhora da Assunção in Maceió and studied theology and philosophy. He received on 30 November 1953, the ordination. After pastoral work, he completed a Masters degree in Communication Studies and English at the Universidade Federal de Alagoas ( UFAL ) and other post-graduate degrees in literary theory, linguistics, literature, Brazilian and Portuguese Linguistics, Language Teaching and Music at the Universidade Federal Fluminense ( UFF ). He was professor of Portuguese Linguistics at the UFAL and also taught at the UFF in Rio de Janeiro. He was involved at the Academia de Letras Alagoana (AAL ), which he was president since 2008. He also worked as a journalist and has published numerous articles and 13 books.

1985 John Paul II appointed him for the third bishop of Palmeira dos Índios. Otavio Barbosa Aguiar, retired bishop of Palmeira dos Índios, donated to him on 29 May 1985, the episcopal ordination; Co-consecrators were the German -born Franciscan Constantino José Lüers OFM, Bishop of Penedo, and his predecessor, Bishop Emeritus Epaminondas José de Araújo.

In 2006, his resignation for reasons of age by Benedict XVI. granted. He died of complications from heart problems.

Writings (selection )

  • Fascínio de Jesus Cristo, Editora Paul 1997, ISBN 8534908605
  • Pequenas Histórias, Grandes Lições, Paulina 2010, ISBN 9788535611427