
Ferromanganese is an alloy of iron, manganese and carbon. It is produced by smelting of iron and manganese ores, (also called electric arc furnace, Eng. Submerged Arc Furnace (SAF ) ) for the greater part in a smelting reduction furnace and to a lesser extent in the blast furnace. The manganese content is between 30 and 80%, the carbon content is between 2 and 8%.

Ferromanganese is mainly used as an alloying agent for the manufacture of other iron alloys, as a deoxidizer and Rückkohlung of iron melts.

Iron-manganese alloys with lower manganese content are:

  • Levels of iron ( 5-30% Mn, C 4.5-5 %)
  • Steel Iron (Mn 2-5%, 3.5-4 % C )
  • Alloy