Festuca brevipila

Raublättriger sheep fescue ( Festuca brevipila )

The Raublättrige sheep fescue ( Festuca brevipila, Syn: F. trachyphylla ), also referred to as Raublatt fescue, belongs to the group of species of sheep fescue ( Festuca ovina agg. ) Within the family of grasses ( Poaceae ).

Distribution and location

The Raublättrige Sheep fescue is a common Central European Art It comes from the plains to heights of about 200 meters in Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Netherlands, Germany, Poland and Switzerland before. He settled mostly deficient in lime to acidic, nitrogen- poor sandy soils in xeric grasslands but also short-lived ruderal and fresh meadows and pastures. In many cases it is used in seed mixtures for Park and shear grass. From there he was widely abducted and finds himself today often at roadsides, embankments, railway embankments and port facility.


The Raublättrige Sheep fescue is a deciduous, perennial Hemikryptophyt. The horstwüchsige herbaceous plant reaches heights of growth 10-70 centimeters. The mostly gray-green and slightly tired or not matured and dark green bins shaped leaves are rough with V- shaped cross section. They measure about 0.7 to 0.9 millimeters in diameter. The Sklerenchymausbildung is variable. The leaf blades are seven to thirteen annoying. Sometimes they have three vascular bundles in the middle and at the edges. Partial intermediate bundles are available, which can coalesce annular. The leaf sheaths are also rough to densely hairy stand-off.

The inflorescence is a flowering time to loose otherwise contracted panicle, which is 4 to 12 inches long. The spikelets reach 6 to 10 millimeters, often reddish uncrowded lemmas 4-6 mm in length. The husks carry a 2 to 3 millimeters long awn. The Aufblühzeitpunkt of Raublättrigen sheep Schwingels is in the morning between May and July.
