Filippo Pacini

Filippo Pacini ( born May 25, 1812 in Pistoia, † July 9, 1883 in Florence ) was an Italian anatomist.

Life and work

Pacini came from a poor family and should be first theologian. However, in 1830 he received a scholarship to the prestigious medical school of Pistoia. During his medical studies he observed in the anatomy course narrow ovoid bodies that were connected to different nerves. They were barely visible, so he bought from his savings a microscope and discovered and described the " Pacinian corpuscles " ( Nuovi organic scoperti nel corpo umano ) - encapsulated nerve endings that are widely used in the human body. Later, they were found to be pressure-and vibration- sensitive. The tiny structures called in German-speaking Pacinian corpuscles.

Pacini in 1854, the bacterium Vibrio cholerae as a causative agent of cholera. At that time, we believed in the transmission of infection by bad smells ( miasms ), Pacini's description was often ignored. Filippo Pacini was in 1854 with his assumption of a micro- organism which could not alone cause cholera. Even Arthur Hill Hassall and John Snow reported in the same year in London the " Medical Council of the General Board of Health ," which the hypothesis Pacini is a serious Überlegumng since it would of myriads of vibriones in every drop of every sample of rice -water discharges are teeming.

It was not until thirty years later, Robert Koch was able to explore the exciting and prove the relationship between Mikroorgamnismus and disease. A confirmation of Pacini's hypothesis. 1965 named to the bacterium in his honor " Vibrio cholerae Pacini 1854 ".

Works (selection)

  • Nuove Osservazioni sopra i corpus coli denominati Corpus Cola Pacini. Annali di medicina universali (1845 lug, Series 3, Volume 19, Fascicolo 343)
  • Nuovi Organi scoperti nel corpo umano by Filippo Pacini di Pistoia. Pistoia, Tipografia Cino, 1840.
  • Sull'ultimo stadio del colera asiatico o stadio di morte dei apparent cole rosi e sul modo di Farli risorgere. Annali di medicina universali (1873 dic, Series 1, Volume 226, Fascicolo 678 )
  • Dei fenomeni osmotici e delle funzioni di nello assorbimento organismo. In 1873.
  • Di alcuni pregiudizi legal in medicina. Firenze, Tipografia Cooperativa, 1876.
  • Del morboso processo del colera asiatico. 1879
  • Del morboso processo del colera asiatico del suo stadio di morte apparent e ( ... ). 1880
  • Sulla struttura intima dell'organo elettrico del gimnoto e di altri pesci.
  • Mezzo di un atto a facilitare l' esame microscopico delle macchie del sangue nelle Questioni medico - forensic. Lettera del prof. Filippo Pacini a dott. Sonsino - Annali di chimica applicata alla medicina farmacia cioè alla, alla tossicologia, all'igiene, fisiologia alla alla alla patologia e terapeutica (1872 lug, Series 3, Volume 55, Fascicolo 1)
  • Esame microscopico di aque POTABILI in relazione al cholera - Annali di chimica applicata alla medicina farmacia cioè alla, alla tossicologia, all'igiene, fisiologia alla alla alla patologia e terapeutica. (1867 dic, Series 3, Volume 45, Fascicolo 6)