Fish bone

When bones are called bony, more delicate parts of the skeleton of bony fishes such as fins and fin rays, but especially the Bindegewebsverknöcherungen which lie transversely inclined backwards to the ribs between the muscle segments and have no contact with the spine.

Zoological only be described as Bindegewebsverknöcherungen these bones. A recently they only come to the Teleostei (but not all: for example, eel and anglerfish grätenlos ). There are several series ( Epineuralia, Epicentralia, Epipleuralia and Myorhabdoi ), their differentiation - even to the ribs - but is still uncertain. The bones are used to support the core muscles without inhibiting their motility. The Epineuralgräten are, for example, in cyprinids often " angry " (they can be branched tufted ), but also the Epipleuralia may be longitudinally or transversely divided. The bones are at present: the subject of research in its diversity.

When cooking fish bones and ribs before eating are usually removed. The slim, tapered shape, it is possible that they get caught in the windpipe and cause suffocation.
