Flag of South Vietnam

The flag of South Vietnam South Vietnam served 1948-1975 as the national flag. The flag is in Vietnam today no official use more, but it is further shown by many exiled Vietnamese, especially in the U.S.. (see also: Boat People )


The yellow bunting goes back to the traditional flag of the Annamese emperors. The three red stripes symbolize the three parts of the country of Vietnam ( Tonkin, Annam and Cochinchina ). Emperor Khai Dinh led in 1916 the two outer red stripes. The third central strip was introduced in 1945 for the Empire Vietnam. The strips had a width ratio of 5:1:1:1:1:1:5, the medium red stiffeners was interrupted in the ratio of 5:1:5. The aspect ratio of the flag was 3:5. 1948, the disruption in the middle was abolished and defines the final shape. 1954 South Vietnam became independent under the name State of Vietnam and kept the old flag at.

After the surrender of South Vietnam on April 30, 1975, the Communist- dominated Republic of South Vietnam was established. The old flag was replaced until the unification with the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (North Vietnam) in July 1976 by ​​the flag of the FNL.

2:3? Flag of the Republic of South Vietnam, April 30, 1975 to July 2, 1976
