Foster care

Foster parents referred to persons of legal age, either temporarily or permanently absorb the children of other parents ( foster children).


The term parent is in this case dominated historically; since the end of the 20th century can record as foster parents children also single people and same-sex couples. Essentially conditional on the demonstration of a general and case-specific suitability for the task. The Inpflegegabe of children can be both privately and through the local youth welfare office.


The nursing ratio can be in various forms, ranging from supportive Visit to preparing a legal adoption. In any case, the willingness is necessary to engage in the specifics of the case ( the child with all parties involved ). This is not always easy, as regular social, moral and / or perspective differences between the parties ( child care, home parents, youth welfare, foster parents ) are present.

Exercise of parental authority

The parental care also remains at a nursing relationship with the birth parents, if custody has not been withdrawn in accordance with § 1666 of the Civil Code and transferred to a guardian. However, according to § 1688 BGB have the foster parents if the foster relationship is more long term, the authority to decide matters of daily life of the child. You have the right to manage the salary of a minor, as well as to make maintenance, insurance, utilities and other social benefits for the child submits and manage (eg, child support). The family court may make a different regulation. In disputes between caregiver and care party entitled to the Youth Office in accordance with § 38 SGB VIII intended to convey.

Health and pension insurance

Foster children can be insured free of charge in public health insurance of foster parents (family insurance, § 10 paragraph 4 SGB V). Death of a foster parent, the child has any claims to an orphan 's pension ( § 48 paragraph 3 of SGB VI).

Foster children in permanent care are treated at the Riester pension biological children, foster parents for these children can apply for Riester. A nursing mother who has by his own occupation or the like not own claim to Riester is, during the first three years of the child's care ( ie, during the raising period of the statutory pension insurance scheme ) eligible for support by the nursing child.

In the retirement scheme for foster mother so is the remaining parenting time to be taken into care at birth from the full -raising period, with later taken into care full time education minus the education time of the birth mother.


2005, provides full-time care to persons not related to Germany in 8725 children.
