Fountain (juggling)

The fountain is a basic pattern for juggling an even number of objects ( eg, balls, clubs or rings ). In this case, half of the objects they juggle in each hand individually. Do not go moving your hands. For example, juggling in a 4 -ball fountain each hand independently two objects.

We distinguish synchronous and asynchronous fountains. In a synchronous fountain throwing both hands at the same time, while alternate in an asynchronous fountain hands with the throwing.

For an even number of items, the fountain is used because other patterns with alternating hands (like eg the cascade) for even numbers do not work well. A correct cascade is not possible with an even number of objects. However, there are various patterns, such as shower, can be juggling even numbers.

Anthony Gatto held in 2006, an 8 -ball fountain for a minute and 13 seconds.
