Four-color deck

Four-color playing cards (English Four -color deck) are playing cards that are not the usual French colors of chart symbols, ie red for hearts and diamonds and black for spades and clubs to use, but also use real different colors for each of these symbols.


The official Skat tournament sheet of the German skat federation since the reunification of Germany used the colors black, green, red and yellow orange for clubs, spades, hearts and diamonds, to unite the characteristics of the German and French papers previously used in parts of Germany.


Four-color card games poker, in which the cross is green and plaid in blue, were devised by professional poker player Mike Caro and propagated. The basic idea is to distinguish the four colors better. It happens, for example online that you can easily recognize when playing at multiple tables erroneously a flush that are different symbols. In the offline game makes it easier for the color recognition on very large tables. Whether it helps people with red-green color blindness, is not clear.

In the online game four colored leaves are often offered. Offline it is used less: Since many players are difficult to get used or of tradition prefer the classic colors, such games are not produced in large numbers. This is because a monitor uses additive color synthesis, the printed maps, however, the subtractive color mixture. If you try the bright printed maps to get to the monitor, then acts the extremely unnatural.


Also in the show Samstagsjass on Swiss TV cards in the color are black / green / red / blue used.

  • Playing card
  • Skat
  • Poker