Four-sides model

The four- page model (also messages square, communication square or four ears model) by Friedemann Schulz von Thun is a model of communication psychology, with a message under four aspects or levels is described: technical content, self-disclosure, relationship and appeal. These levels are referred to as " four sides of a message ." Background is formulated by the communication scientist Paul Watzlawick knowledge that can be interpersonal relationships observed by means of communication. [A 1] The purpose for which this model is used, the description of problematic due to misunderstandings of disturbed communication and continuing the therapy, impaired and pathological interpersonal relationships.

With the four-page model combines Schulz von Thun two psychological and linguistic theory analysis. Paul Watzlawick postulated that each statement could be understood as a content aspect and a relationship aspect (second axiom ). The linguist Karl Bühler described in the Organon model linguistic signs based on three semantic functions: expression, appeal and presentation. Such models are well known in linguistics as well as models of language functions.

The four sides of a message

The overall goal of this modeling is to observe, describe and model how two people sit down with their communication to each other. Schulz von Thun This applies to the statements ( the "Messages" ) to. These can be viewed from four different directions and interpreted under four different assumptions - these are the four aspects or levels, referred to Schulz von Thun as " sides of a message ":

In this way can be used to " as the subject of communications diagnostic message ". [A 3] disturbances and conflicts come about if the speaker and hearer, the four levels and suggest different weights. This leads to misunderstandings and subsequently conflicts. A well-known, Schulz von Thun in his major work, talking together first used example is a pair in the car before the traffic lights. The woman behind the wheel, and the man says, "You, the light is green! " The woman replies, " Do you ride or drive me?". The utterance can be understood in this situation on the four levels as follows: a guide to the traffic light that has just switched to green (property level); as an invitation to drive off ( call level) to help as an intention of the passenger, the woman at the wheel, or as a demonstration of the superiority of the passenger about the woman (relationship level); as an indication that the passenger is in a hurry and impatient is ( self-revelation ). Thus, the passenger may have laid the weight of the message to the appeal. The driver could be the statement of the front passenger, however, regarded as a reduction or patronizing.

In reference to the listener and his habits Schulz von Thun extended the four-page model to a "four ears model". The ear is the interpretation of one of the aspects: the " property - ear", the "relationship - ear ", the " self- revelation ear " and the "appeal " ear.

Factual level / factual content

On the factual level, the speaker conveys data, facts and circumstances. Tasks of the speaker are simplicity and clarity of expression. With the "Property " ear checked the listener the message with the criteria of truth ( true / false ), relevance ( relevant / irrelevant ) and sufficiency (enough / need of completion ). In a well-coordinated team, this usually runs smoothly.


Each utterance causes only partially conscious and intentional self-representation and at the same time an unconscious, involuntary self-disclosure (see Johari window). Each message can thus be used for interpretations about the personality of the speaker. The " self- revelation " ear of the listener is listening to what is contained in the message about the speaker ( I-messages ).

Relationship level

On the relationship level is expressed as the speaker and the listener relate to each other, and how they view themselves. The speaker can - show respect to others appreciation, respect, kindness, indifference, contempt - by the type of formulation, his body language, tone of voice and other. Depending on what the listener in the "relationship " ear perceives, he feels either accepted or reduced, respected or patronized.


Who manifests itself, I will also make a difference in the rule. With the appeal of the speaker wants to induce the listener to do something or to refrain. The attempt to influence may be overt or covert. Open are prayers and requests. Concealed occasions are referred to as manipulation. On the "appeal " ear to the receiver asks: " What am I supposed to think, do or feel? "

Example of an impaired by misunderstandings communication

To describe communication that is disturbed by Miss understanding on the different levels, Schulz von Thun describes as an example the following situation: A man and a woman sitting at dinner. The man looks capers in the sauce and asks: " What is the green in the gravy? " He means at the different levels:

The woman sees the man at the various levels as follows:

The woman says testily, " My God, if it does not taste you here, yes you can go somewhere else to eat! "

News and messages contained therein

Messages contain explicit and implicit messages for Schulz von Thun. Examples of explicit messages are on the factual level: "It is very hot outside "; at the level of self-revelation: "I am ashamed "; at the relationship level: " I like you " on the level of control: " Get a beer! ". Implicitly, the same messages can be interpreted, for example, the following behavior: Someone enters the room, wiping his sweaty forehead; someone deviates from the views of others; someone hugs his counterpart; someone says the beer is all.

Messages can be viewed as congruent and incongruent. Are congruent messages when they are internally consistent, so if any signals at all levels are compatible. From incongruent messages is when linguistic and non-linguistic signals are contradictory. Following on from the above examples would be news dissonant, if the one- devices the heat complainers with upturned coat collar Ashamed eyes unabashedly supposedly his counterpart, sympathy manifesting clearly keeps his distance or who are a lack of beer Mourning a few bottles next to him on the floor.

