Francesco Gabrieli

Francesco Gabrieli (* April 27, 1904 in Rome, Italy, † December 13, 1996 same place ) was an Italian Arabist and Orientalist.


Francesco Gabrieli, was born on the top floor of the Palazzo Corsini Rome, the seat of the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei in the official residence of his father, who was a librarian at the Accademia. With his father he learned the Arabic language and then went to the University La Sapienza in Rome, where he studied with the orientalist Carlo Alfonso Nallino. At the same time he learned both the Persian and the Turkish language, next he spoke perfect French, German, English and Russian.

After Gabrieli had first facing the Middle Ages as a field of study, he dealt with the poets of the early Islamic period. Further works were, for example, the army commander Maslamah ʾ Ibn Abd al -Malik Ibn Hisham under the Umayyadenherrscher ʾ Abd al -Malik or the two brothers, the Abbasid caliph al-Amin and al- Ma ʾ mun. His translations of the Arabic sources from the period of the Crusades opened the historians new insights about this time.

Gabrieli was a professor at the University of Palermo, at the University of Naples L' Orientale and thereafter until his retirement at the University La Sapienza in Rome. He worked on the Enciclopedia Italiana, briefly referred to Treccani, with and was responsible for the second edition of The Encyclopaedia of Islam. New Edition, which was moved to Leiden and Paris. Gabrieli was also a member and at times President of the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei.

Prizes and awards


  • Al- Ma ʾ mun e gli Alidi. E. Pfeiffer, Leipzig 1929.
  • Viaggi di Sindibad, Sansoni, Florence 1943.
  • Dal mondo dell'Islam, 1954
  • Storici Arab delle crociate, 1957. German: The Crusades from an Arab perspective. Selected from Arab sources and translated by Francesco Gabrieli. in German and translated by Barbara von Kaltenborn - Stachau and Lutz Richter -Bernburg. Bechtermünz, Augsburg 2006, ISBN 3-8289-0371-1.
  • History of the Arabs. Kohlhammer, Stuttgart 1963, DNB 451,417,089th
  • German: The Arab revolution. DuMont, Cologne 1961, DNB 451,417,097th
  • As Editor: Muhammad in Europe: 1300 years of history, art, culture. List, Munich 1983, ISBN 3-471-77633-8 ( Contributions by C. Lo Jacono, GE Carrettos, A. Ventura ).
  • German: Mohammed and Charlemagne. Belser Verlag, 1993, ISBN 3-7630-2097-7.
  • L' arabista petulante. R. Ricciardi, Milan 1972.