Francisco Ramón Vicuña

Francisco Ramón Vicuña Larraín (* 1775 in Santiago de Chile, † January 13, 1849 ) was a Chilean politician. In 1829 he officiated temporarily as president of his country.

Vicuña 1810 took part in the struggle for independence of Chile and organized the first own firearms production in the country. For the constituency Osorno he sat in the Constituent Congress of 1811 and 1814 in the Chilean Senate.

He was captured and exiled for conspiracy against the Spanish crown into exile. It was only after the victory of the Independence Army at Chacabuco in 1817 he was able to return to his homeland. Bernardo O'Higgins sent him as government representatives in the northern provinces.

In 1823 he was appointed chief administrator of the city of Santiago and was again a delegate of the Constitutional Convention of 1823. In 1825, the Director Supremo Ramon Freire y Serrano made ​​him his deputy and gave him the post of Interior and Foreign Affairs, as well as in representation at times, the War, Navy and Treasury.

On September 16, 1829, Congress convened after the counting of votes of the presidential election Francisco Antonio Pinto President, the simple (though not absolute ) had achieved a majority of votes. For the election of Vice- President made ​​the two candidates, the liberal federalist Joaquín Vicuña and the conservative centralist José Joaquín Prieto Vial, equality of votes. As the majority of liberal Congress Vicuña declared the winner, attacked the centralists to arms and broke the Revolution of 1829 from the fence.

In the ensuing civil war between the liberal federalists and conservative centralists, President Pinto looked forced to resign and leave the office to the President of the Senate, Francisco Ramón Vicuña. On December 7, 1829, the conservative troops marched under General José Joaquín Prieto Vial to from south to Santiago.

The government Vicuña fled from the fighting to Coquimbo, where they were taken but captured by the victorious troops of the Conservatives. As a result, Chile was leaderless for a few weeks until the new government junta in January 1830 Francisco Ruiz Tagle appointed as the new transitional president.

Among the centralist President José Joaquín Prieto Vial and Manuel Bulnes Prieto a liberal federalist as Vicuña could not hold any significant public functions. He died on 13 January 1849.

Manuel Blanco | Ramón Freire | Francisco Antonio Pinto | José Joaquín Prieto Vial | Manuel Bulnes | Manuel Montt | José Joaquín Pérez | Federico Errazuriz | Aníbal Pinto | Domingo Santa María | Manuel Balmaceda | Jorge Montt | Federico Errazuriz | Germán Riesco | Pedro Montt | Ramón Barros | Juan Luis Sanfuentes | Arturo Alessandri | Emiliano Figueroa | Carlos Ibáñez | Juan Esteban Montero | Carlos Dávila | Arturo Alessandri | Pedro Aguirre Cerda | Juan Antonio Ríos | Gabriel González | Carlos Ibáñez | Jorge Alessandri | Eduardo Frei Montalva | Salvador Allende | Augusto Pinochet | Patricio Aylwin | Eduardo Frei Ruiz - Tagle | Ricardo Lagos | Michelle Bachelet | Sebastian Pinera | Michelle Bachelet

  • Minister of Foreign Affairs (Chile)
  • Of Defense (Chile)
  • Chilean
  • Born in 1775
  • Died in 1849
  • Man