Francisco Romano Guillemin

Francisco Romano Guillemin ( born November 29, 1884 in Tlapa, † May 28 1950 in Cuautla ) was a Mexican painter and a representative of Impressionism.


Romano Guillemin was the son of the Spaniard Faustino Romano and had six siblings. He attended school in Puebla and subsequently studied at the Escuela Nacional de Bellas Artes ( ENBA ) in Mexico City under Antonio Fabre, Germán Gedovius and Leandro Izaguirre. His fondness for Impressionist painting was created during a trip to Europe, where he particularly inspired the painting Seurat. Upon his return to Mexico he taught as a professor at the ENBA. His niece Carmen was the first wife of President José López Portillo.

  • Impressionist painters
  • University teachers ( ENBA Mexico City)
  • Mexican painter
  • Born in 1884
  • Died in 1950
  • Man