François Duprat

François Duprat ( born October 26, 1940 in Ajaccio, Corsica, † March 18, 1978 at Caudebec -en- Caux by a car bomb ) was a French teacher, writer and militant supporters of Nationalisme revolutionnaire. He is regarded as a theorist of the French Nouvelle Droite and number two of the Front National (FN) in the 1960s and 1970s.


Duprat was a Trotskyist in his early years, but quickly moved to the right edge and became a member of the Jeune Nation of the Fédération des étudiants nationalistes ( FEN ). Although strong opponent of the Algerian independence, he supported anti-Zionist as always Arab states. After the Treaty of Evian in 1962, he traveled to Katanga secession and supported the Moïse Tshombe as propaganda director at Radio Katanga.

After his return to France, he became a member of Occident, which turned against leftist students. In 1972 he was one of the founders of the National Front (FN).
