Frank Silva

Frank Silva (born 31 October 1949 in Sacramento, California, † September 13, 1995 in Seattle, Washington) was a professional property master, who achieved as an actor in the series Twin Peaks fame.


Frank Silva came on October 31, 1949 in Sacramento, California (USA) to the world. His major at the State University of San Francisco was the theater. He made his final exam in "Light Design" with distinction.

Silva has worked in several films with David Lynch ( Dune, Blue Velvet, Wild at Heart ) as a prop man and decorator. To sudden notoriety he got during the filming of the pilot film for the U.S. series Twin Peaks. When the final sequence of the episode was filmed, Silva was accidentally in the image. His face could be seen in a mirror behind Laura Palmer's mother Sarah. Spontaneously, Lynch decided to occupy his property manager as BOB, the main villain of the series.

Frank Silva died on 13 September 1995 in Seattle (USA) of a heart attack due to his AIDS disease.


As an actor

As a property manager and decorator (selection)
