Franz Burchard Dörbeck

Franz Burchard Dörbeck (born 10 Februarjul / February 21 1799greg in Fellin, .. .. † 20 Septemberjul / October 2 1835greg ) was a deutschbaltischer cartoonist and painter.


Franz Burchard Dörbecks parents were Friedrich Burchard Dörbeck and Helena Dorothea Rakosnick. 1816 graduated Dörbeck in St. Petersburg an apprenticeship as an engraver with the engraver Fritz Neyer and then joined the Russian civil service. After the early death of his first wife, he moved to Riga, where he worked as a portrait artist in 1820 and married again.

1823 was Dörbeck settled in Berlin. With the promotion of Christian Georg Gropius, he worked as a portrait engraver as well as a book illustrator. He achieved fame through his series of lithographs, in which he represented mainly Berlin humorous scenarios. Among those series included, among others Berlin phrases, jokes and anecdotes, as well as Berlin loafer Nante.

The evening of life spent Dörbeck in his home town Fellin.

1960 Dörbeckweg in Berlin -Spandau was named after him.
