Franz Seraph von Pfistermeister

Franz Seraph Freiherr von Pfistermeister ( born December 14, 1820 Amberg, † March 2, 1912 in Munich) was court secretary and State in the Kingdom of Bavaria.

Life and work

After attending the Gymnasium in Amberg Franz Seraph began Freiherr von Pfistermeister his career in the Royal Bavarian State services as Militärfiskaladjunkt. In 1849, his appeal was entered in the court secretariat, in Munich. By the year 1866 was of Pfistermeister then worked as a secretary of the king Maximilian II and Louis II. Due to his opposition to Richard Wagner and its expensive promotion by King Ludwig II was carried out in 1866 for his removal from the " Most High immediate service ." From 1864 to 1895 he was a State of the Kingdom of Bavaria in office. His dwelling was from 1881 to 1912 in the Knöbel street in Munich. Its landmarked grave with bust located in the old South Cemetery in Munich.
