Friedrich Christian Weber

Friedrich Christian Weber (birthday and place unknown; ? † 1739 ) was a diplomat or ' Secretarius ' in the service of the Electorate of Hanover and appeared as an envoy in 1714 at the court of Peter the Great in Russia. Weber's background, education and life is largely unknown; some could be due to trace his diplomatic correspondence.


His service for the authority of the Electorate of Hanover gesandtschaftliche Weber began in the year 1713. 1714 to 1719 he lived at the court of Peter I on and made recordings for his three -part work " " The change in Russia. " With the work he wanted the knowledge of the expand Russian history. the first volume appeared in 1721, 1739/40 published the second and third part. All three parts contain a wealth of people, data, facts and information of all kinds

Where Weber had his information and materials, is unknown; maybe he had records from the immediate vicinity of the Tsar and statements direct participant, or maybe he was an eyewitness.

In February 1719 Weber Maria Louisa Dusterwaldt married in St. Petersburg.

" The change in Russia"

The first part of this work includes the Weber's account of his diplomatic activity 1714-1719 at the court Peters. He explains economy, population, art, religion, military and politics. Also found are the relations with Asian neighbors and submissive peoples. Weber, however, was especially important to describe the changes in Russia and not only cities, countries and rulers. The first part also contains other interesting reports and documents of all kinds impressive is the pasted image and card material that is of a different origin, nature and destiny. Some materials are provided by Weber for the first time.

The second part begins with the year 1721 and extends to the death of Peter I in 1725. The third part begins with the accession of Catherine I and ends in chronological order, not in terms of the texts, after the death of Peter II.

The Weber's work is in the true sense no historiographical work, but belongs to the genre of the journal. It is a diary-like record of meaningful and incidental events and impressions. A thematic and chronological sequence is not recognizable; Weber there is no system as in other diplomatic reports. The external form is a different form: a division into paragraphs, on the edge of the texts to find keywords, names, years. Sources are rarely referred to or often only where they are publicly known anyway.

Weber had to adhere to specifications, as " The change in Russia" was a commissioned work. The work was published anonymously.
