Friends of Science

Friends of Science is a Canadian non-profit organization based in Calgary ( Alberta). By his own admission, the members are mainly composed of retired Geo and atmosphere scientists and engineers.

Position on Global Warming

According to his own admission, the goals of the organization are as follows:

"Our Goal: To educate the public about climate science and through them bring pressure to bear on Governments to engage in public debates on the scientific merits of the hypothesis of human- induced global warming and the various policies did intend to address the issue. "

"Our goal: To educate the public about climate science and thereby exert pressure on governments to intervene in the public debate about the scientific value of the hypothesis of the anthropogenic climate change. "

" Our Opinion: It is our opinion did the Sun is the main direct and indirect driver of climate change. "

"Our opinion: It is our opinion that the sun is the main direct and indirect impeller of global warming. "
