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Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs ), male

The finches ( Fringillinae ) are a small subfamily of finches that close with the Goldfinch -like ( Carduelinae ) is related. It includes three types: the Chaffinch, which is found in forested areas of Europe and North Africa to West Siberia, the Teydefink, which is endemic to the Canary Islands, and the Brambling, which breeds in the northern taiga and southern tundra of Eurasia.


  • Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs)
  • Teydefink (Fringilla teydea )
  • Brambling (Fringilla montifringilla )

The chaffinch and the Teydefink are sister species.


The scale in trees or bushes nest consists primarily of plant material and is padded with feathers or hair. The mating season lasts from late April to June; Finches and mountain finch, two broods raise.

