Fritz Werner

Fritz Werner ( * December 15, 1898 in Berlin, † December 22, 1977 in Heilbronn) was choirmaster, evangelical church music director, conductor, organist and composer. He was from 1947 to 1973 Founder and Director of the Heinrich-Schütz -Chor Heilbronn eV


Between 1920 and 1935 he studied at the Berlin Academy for Church and School Music and at the University of Berlin and at the Prussian Academy of the Arts with Wolfgang Reimann. He then became organist in 1935 and school musicians in Potsdam- Babelsberg ( Bethlehem Church ). Then Werner was 1936-1938 as organist and choirmaster at the Church of St. Nikolai in Potsdam operates. In 1938 he became the director of church music and was the beginning of the war in 1939 organist at the Garrison Church in Potsdam and from 1939 director of music at Radio Paris. After the war he was from 1946 to 1964 organist and choirmaster at the Church of St. Kilian in Heilbronn.

Fritz Werner was one of those church musicians as Rudolf Mauersberger, Günther Ramin or Johann Nepomuk David, essence contributed to the renewal and revival of sacred music in the 20th century.

