Frontal eye fields

The frontal eye field (English frontal eye fields, FEF ) is a defined area of the cerebral cortex and premotor cortex belongs to. It assumes the highest hierarchical level in the control of the extraocular muscles.

Based on results from primate studies, it is localized in Brodmann 's area 8, while it is human evidence that this localization is different and the frontal eye field instead located in Brodmann 's area 6. The frontal eye field controls several key areas in low-and mid-brain ( pontine reticular formation paramediana, nucleus of the hypoglossal praepositus, interstitial nucleus ), which in turn control the motor eye muscle nuclei (nucleus nervi oculomotorii, nucleus nervi trochlear, nucleus nervi abducentis ). Damage to the frontal eye field results in voluntary eye movements are no longer possible. It occurs a conjugate gaze direction deviation ( Déviation conjuguée ) to the side of the injury on (stove look, Prévost 's sign).
