Fujiwara no Kintō

Fujiwara no Kinto (Japanese藤原 公 任, also: Shijō - Dainagon; * 966, † February 4, 1041 ) was a respected and well-known Japanese poet and aristocrat of the Heian period. He is mentioned among other works by Murasaki Shikibu in countries and Sei Shonagon and he was also appreciated his calligraphic due to workmanship. His father was Fujiwara no Yoritada, his son Fujiwara no Sadayori.

Fujiwara no Kinto not only wrote many poems ( waka and Uta ), he also has also poetry anthologies, such as the Shui Wakashū, which contains 15 of his poems, and the Wakan rōeishū compiled. In addition, he is regarded as the founder of Thirty-Six Immortals of Poetry and as a compiler of the anthology of the same name.
