Fulbright Academy

The Fulbright Academy, also known as " Fulbright Academy of Science & Technology" ( FAST), is an international organization that was founded in 2003 by alumni of the Fulbright exchange program and other science and technological innovation enthusiasts.

FAST is a virtual research institute and a network with board members and volunteers from many countries. Members are individuals and institutions from around the world. Individual members come from the natural sciences, social sciences and related fields. The member institutions include universities, corporations, foundations and government agencies.

FAST promotes the dialogue between students and researchers through the organization of conferences and meetings:

  • Annual Conference 2006 - Berlin, Germany, in cooperation with the German Fulbright Commission
  • Annual Conference 2007 - Panama City, Panama
  • Annual Conference 2008 - Boston, Massachusetts, United States

The Fulbright Academy is not involved in the selection of Fulbright Scholars, or the organization of the Fulbright exchange program. FAST is not connected to the U.S. State Department, national alumni groups or departments and commissions of the Fulbright exchange program.
