Gabriel Anton

Gabriel Anton ( born July 28, 1858 in Saaz in Bohemia; † January 3, 1933 in Halle ( Saale) ) was an Austrian neurologist and psychiatrist.

Curriculum vitae

After attending school in Saaz and Prague, studied the son of a builder in Prague and Vienna, and in 1882 received his doctorate in Graz for Dr. med. He first worked as an assistant doctor under the direction of Arnold Pick of the Asylum Dobrzan (now Dobřany in the Czech Republic ) and the Psychiatric- Neurological Clinic of Prague German University before he joined in 1887 as an assistant at the Psychiatric Clinic in Vienna, Theodor Hermann Meynert learn. In 1889 he qualified as a professor of psychiatry and neurology, was appointed in 1891 as Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Innsbruck and director of the university clinic. 1894 Anton joined as a full professor in Graz. 1905 took over the Chair Carl Wernicke in Halle ( Saale) and served as director of the local university and mental hospital. 1906 Anton was appointed Privy Councillor and was awarded for his action during the First World War as Chief of Halle military hospital for nervous patients and consulting physician of the IV Army Corps, the Iron Cross II class at the black-and- white ribbon and the Red Cross Medal III. Class. In 1911 he was elected a member of the Scholars Academy Leopoldina, 1926 he became Professor Emeritus.

Anton's daughter Lisette (1907-1977) was married to the psychiatrist Franz Günther von Stockert.

Scientific performance

Since 1893, Anton had dealt intensively with the role of the basal ganglia in choreic movement disorders. He described the case of 9 -year-old H. Cassian with choreoathetosis and suspected as the cause of an isolated change in the striatum. Taking into account the clinical symptoms and neuropathological findings, it was assumed that the complex interaction of the basal ganglia had to be disturbed. He concluded that by eliminating the movement inhibition lacked the necessary condition for an orderly movement and - due to the presence of an intact pyramidal tract - the presence of extrapyramidal fiber tracts.

In his works, Anton brain pathology linked to psychology and inspired, inter alia, his assistant in Graz, Otto Gross to more work in this area. In Halle he studied in the years 1909 to 1912 together with his assistant Paul Schilder ( 1886-1940 ) referred extensively with chorea ( chorea = irregular, asymmetric, sudden lancinating, short-lasting, distally pointed, involuntary movements of the extremities, face can in addition Grimacing and smacking occur ) and athetoiden ( athetosis = involuntary wormlike, slow movements, predominantly distal extremities ) movement disorders.

, And the Anton- Babinski syndrome ( syn. hemineglect: the half-sided impairment of attention of his own body and his failures at the apex: After Anton by Anton syndrome ( non perceiving one's own blindness after complete failure of the visual cortex syn. visual anosognosia ) was - u Schläfenhirnläsion the right brain ) named. Eventually he developed a surgical method for the treatment of hydrocephalus (so-called " Anton -von- Bramann - bar Stitch" ).

Works (selection)

  • Gabriel Anton: About congenital diseases of the central nervous system. Hölder, Vienna 1890.
  • Anton Gabriel: On the self-perception of focal disease by the patient in cortical blindness and deafness beef. In: Archives of Psychiatry and Nervous Diseases. Vol 32 1899, p 86
  • Gabriel Anton: About the expression of emotion in healthy and sick people. In: Psychiatric weekly. Bd 2 1900, pp. 165-169.
  • Gabriel Anton: About mental fatigue of children in health and disease. Marhold, Halle 1900.
  • Gabriel Anton and Hermann Zingerle: construction, performance, and disease of the human frontal cerebrum. Part I.. Festschrift of the Graz University for 1901. Leuschner & Lubensky, Graz 1902.
  • Gabriel Anton: Medical on speaking and thinking. Marhold, Halle, 1907.
  • Gabriel Anton: Four lectures on developmental disorders in children. Berlin 1908.
  • Gabriel Anton: About morbid moral Abartung in childhood and about the healing value of the affects. Marhold, Halle 1910.
  • Anton Gabriel: Treatment of congenital and acquired diseases of the brain with the help of the bar stitch. Karger, Berlin 1913.